Search Result

Legal Protection of Children in Armed Conflict
 90.06 KB

Advisory Service on International Humanitarian Law, ICRC, 2003

Ventrell, Marvin
20 - 22 September 2001

Letting Children Really Speak for Themselves
 628.11 KB

Dhagamwar, Dr Vasudha
20 - 22 September 2001

Listening to Children in the Collaborative Process
 66.09 KB

Huddart, Judith L. and Demson, Sandra R.
20 – 23 March 2005

A submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – Australia
Prepared by
Professor the Hon Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC
Michele Harris OAM
Georgina Gartland
July 2010

Mandatory Detention Means Mandatory Injustice
 1 MB

Sandor, Danny
20 - 22 September 2001

Nicholson, Hon. Chief Justice Alastair
20 - 22 September 2001

Medical procedures - is the law effective?
 60.13 KB

Hon. Kemeri Murray, Family Court of Australia, Third National Conference
Hotel Sofitel Melbourne, Tuesday 20 - Saturday 24 October 1998

Minors, Health Care Research and HIV/AIDS
 84.13 KB

Pope, Anne
20 – 23 March 2005

National Centre Against Bullying and Alannah & Madeline FoundationMedia Release

Thursday 23 June, 2016

All Australians should be concerned about the current 'unacceptable situation' of the individual rights of young people in addressing bullying, according to the Chair of the National Centre Against Bullying, the Hon Alastair Nicholson AO RFC QC.


Never Again: Let's End the Detention of Children Once and for All FEATURED
 49.49 KB

Joint statement by Australian organisations and community groups
13 February 2015

Kiura, Bernard N.
International Conference on Child Labour and Child Exploitation, Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, 2008

Kiura, Bernard N.
International Conference on Child Labour and Child Exploitation, Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, 2008

Nicholson, Hon. Justice Alastair AO RFD, Chief Justice Family Court of Australia, Sydney, 17 September 1999

Opening Session Speech Notes
 42.25 KB

Hughes, Hon. Darren
International Conference on Child Labour and Child Exploitation, Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, 2008

Parcelling the Child in Family Disputes: Whose Wishes?
 1.51 MB

Shone, Dr Margaret
20 - 22 September 2001

Rayner, Moira
Walter Murdoch Lecture, 31 October 2001

Preventing the Sexual Exploitation of Children
 88.42 KB

O'Briain, Muireann
20 - 22 September 2001

Nicholson, Hon. Justice Alastair AO RFD, Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia,
PRESENTED TO Law Institute Victoria / Pitcher Partners President’s Luncheon 24 October 2002 RACV CLUB, MELBOURNE

Radbord, Joanna
20 - 22 September 2001

Protecting Children from Family Violence
 60.77 KB

Riddell, Rosemary
International Conference on Child Labour and Child Exploitation, Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, 2008

Kimane, Itumeleng
20 – 23 March 2005

Protecting the most vulnerable: Children living with AIDS
 77.56 KB

Lamb, Christopher
20 - 22 September 2001

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