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Vandekerckhove, Ankie
20 – 23 March 2005

An address by Professor the Honourable Alastair Nicholson, AO RFD QC. Former Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia, Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne 
Archbishop Daniel Mannix Memorial Lecture, Newman College, University of Melbourne, Tuesday 6 October 2009

A more secure world: our shared responsibility
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Report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change
United Nations A/59/565, General Assembly, 29 November 2004

A Taxonomy of Child Labour
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Turner, S.M.
International Conference on Child Labour and Child Exploitation, Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, 2008 

Aboriginal child removal in Australia - past and present
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McCallum, David 
International Conference on Child Labour and Child Exploitation, Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, 2008

Access to Justice for Children - A Human Rights Issue FEATURED
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Address by the Honourable Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC
Chair and Founding Patron Children’s Rights International
IACA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Bogor, Indonesia, Tuesday 15 March 2011

Park, Sola 
International Conference on Child Labour and Child Exploitation, Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, 2008 

Adoption and the Child’s Right to Identity
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Norrie, Kenneth Mc K.
20 – 23 March 2005

Asylum Seeker Seminar, 28 August 2014 HOT!
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Asylum Seekers; a Disgraceful Episode in Australian History HOT!
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Paper presented at the seminar 'Who is minding the children?' Wednesday 18 June, Ella Latham Auditorium, Royal Children's Hospital, Melboune by Hon. Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC, Honary Prefessorial Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne; Chair, Children's Rights International.

Other speakers at the event were Dr Georgia Paxton, a senior paediatrician at RCH, the Rt. Hon. Malcolm Fraser AC and the Hon. Frank Vincent AO. The event was orgainised by Dr Paxton with the assistance of Professor Garry Warne on behalf of Childrens Rights International.

Revised 30 June 2014

Australia - Country Report
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Summary of necessary legal reform to achieve full prohibition
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
Prepared by EPOCH
Is there a legal defence for corporal punishment which must be repealed?
The near universal acceptance of corporal punishment in childrearing means that legal provisions against violence and abuse are not interpreted as prohibiting corporal punishment and provisions confirming a right to use “reasonable” punishment provide a legal justification for the use of corporal punishment. The following legal defences for the use of corporal punishment should be repealed/amended and the law clarified to state that all forms of corporal punishment are unlawful: New South Wales Crimes Act (s61), Northern Territory Criminal Code Act (s27), Queensland Criminal Code Act 1899 (s280), South Australia Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (s20), Tasmania Criminal Code Act 1924 (s50), Western Australia Criminal Code 1913 (s257) and the relevant common law defences in Australian Capital Territory and Victoria.

Nicholson,Hon. Alastair AO, RFD, QC
The 21st Lionel Murphy Memorial Lecture, Parliament House, Sydney, Wednesday 28 November 2007

Address by the Honourable Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC

Chair Children’s Rights International

Australian Human Rights Commission, Sydney, NSW, 10 June 2016

Acknowledgments: Gadigal people of the Eora Nation; Megan Mitchell, National Children’s Commissioner; Tara Broughan, UNICEF Australia and Ahram Choi, NCYLC, Co-Chairs of the Australian Children’s Rights Task Force


This report by the Australian Child Rights taskforce convened by UNICEF Australia and the NYCYLC on the progress of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in the 25 years since Australia ratified the Convention, while indicating a number of areas of progress in this area, also highlights serious deficiencies in our national performance.

Nicholson, Hon. Alastair , AO RFD, Chief Justice , Family Court of Australia,
Early Interventions - A Framework for Contact, The Royal Society, London, 27 March 2002

Nicholson, Hon. Alastair AO RFD, Chief Justice , Family Court of Australia,
The Miller Du Toit and The Law Faculty of the University of Western Cape Family Law Conference, THE CHANGING LEGAL DEFINITIONS OF FAMILY, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, 26 MARCH 2002, Australian Judicial Approaches to International Human Rights Conventions and "Family Law"

Inman, Julie
International Conference on Child Labour and Child Exploitation, Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, 2008 

United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child 

By The Honourable Frank Vincent 

March 2016

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