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Trafficking in Unborn Children
 92.97 KB

Pascoe, John AO
International Conference on Child Labour and Child Exploitation, Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, 2008

Trafficking In Women And Children
 227.86 KB

Vilches, Judge Nimfa Cuesta
20 – 23 March 2005

Tribal Politics and what it does to Innocent Children
 54.01 KB

Ombasa, Eric Manono
Secretary, Nyankongo Self Help Group, Kenya

Understanding children’s rights: theory and practice
 55.89 KB

Hale of Richmond, Right Honourable Baroness DBE

Walk for Justice - Children in Immigration Detention
 919.28 KB

March against Children in Detention
Flyer showing were to meet for the march/walk

Palm Sunday, 29 March 2015, 1:30pm  for 2 pm

Walking away from omelas: what price a just society?
 76.43 KB

Rayner, Moira
Human Rights and Social Justice Lecture, University of Newcastle, 2 September 2004

Czapanskiy, Karen Syma
20 – 23 March 2005

Nicholson, Hon. AlastairAO RFD QC 
Melbourne, 4 August 2009

Will they be heard?
 1.85 MB

a response to the NTER Consultations June to August 2009
Introduction by the Hon Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC
Prepared by Alastair Nicholson, Larissa Behrendt, Alison Vivian, Nicole Watson and Michele Harris
Research Unit, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, November 2009

Working with Children
 76.84 KB

Pearl, His Honour Judge David
20 – 23 March 2005

World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights
 142.1 KB

Hodson, David
First published in Family Lawyer, July 2005

Bell, Nancy
20 – 23 March 2005

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